I have struggled to develop
a distinct musical taste
and what I ended up with
is a turntable spinning pizza with everything on it
a dab of vintage jazz
sprinkled like anchovies
across the circular disk
sending notes and images
out into the air
slices of country western tunes
resembling slabs of bacon
and adding a deep greasy feel
to the palette
my children listen to heavy hip hop
and the thump thump thump
pops like the bubbles of mozzarella cheese
right before it turns slightly brown
I still listen to Motown
and the sounds are still as fresh
as when I was a teenager
and didn’t always know when
to let the music lead
or when to follow
Salsa music has been
spread across my plate
a thick sauce with enough spices
to keep your heart rate up
and your booty moving
each different style
representing a different time in my life
never quite matched
with my hairstyle or clothing
but always matched with
the beat of my heart.
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